Published in
3 min readMay 11, 2022


A gigantic, secure treasury, fund, and manager; externally rated, audited, and assessed. Open to the world via commercially enriching offshoots, cryptocurrencies, and assets.

Ultainfinity has one of its ecosystem engine’s SLAPA Model & Systems design components, a unique Ultainfinity Reserve Controller URC. An outsized, multi-billion multi-reserve pool designed to support SLAPA Model & Systems and Ultainfinity cryptocurrencies and crypto-assets. URC will be non-leveraged, devoid of algorithmic stablecoins, uncapped in size and value to total whatever amount possible, and with a mandate to comprise a minimum of 150% of the total asset value it supports. URC shall be overweight BTC, ETH, SOL, UTTA, DIVIT, SLAPA, BNB, ADA, and USDC, USDT, and bonds, gold, and commercial papers denominated in USD, EURO, GBP and with an unlimited DIVIT, UTTA, SLAPA, BTC, [Bitcoin] super overweight purchase mandate.

Parts or whole of URC, its treasury, funds, and security shall be audited, assessed, and rated by external auditors, security assessors, and credit agencies, such as; a rating from the coveted S & P Rating Agency. URC’s design envisages offshoots, tradable commercial assets, risk-adjusted customized tranching, and synthetics. These essential and innovative features of URC shall be fortifying, enabling, and enhancing. They would foster both it and the flourishing of Ultainfinity’s broad roaster of native cryptocurrencies and crypto-assets amongst primary and secondary investors, including stakeholders. More importantly, these innovative, audited, assessed, and rated approaches by Ultainfinity shall reassure so many, including institutional investors, hodlers, regulators, skeptics, and speculators.

SLAPA Model & Systems and URC’s strengths lay not just in URC not containing leverage but instead holding significant surpluses and a conservative risk spread; in crypto-assets and non-crypto-asset holdings and its exit liquidity strategy. Both prevent the danger of exiting a few concentrated asset holdings, which can tumble due to arbitrage opportunities in rapid market torrents and liquidity crunches.

The strengths inherent in the strategies of the SLAPA Model and URC are inestimable.

Ultainfinity can lead the way around the world in this.

Adopting the Ultainfinity way will spur confidence amongst many investors, governments, and regulatory agencies and prevent crypto projects from being entrapped in liquidity crunches.

SLAPA Model and URC shall ensure that Ultainfinity’s global ecosystem does not bear the horrific risks of market participants trapped in its flagship token UTTA or its utility token DIVIT or its ecosystem model and engine token SLAPA. These risks dissipate and are significantly reduced to almost zero even as some proverbial crypto houses burn down, in the torrent, around Ultainfinity and its cryptocurrencies.

About SLAPA model & the author

SLAPA Model & Systems, URC, Its formulaic LAPA, regiments, and related topics such as Ultainfinity Blockchain, including purposes of Ultainfinity’s global projects, are covered in-depth in the voluminous series of Whitepapers, Litepapers, and Flashpapers by the author Mr. M. Michael, a philanthropist, inventor, entrepreneur, founder, and the Chairman & Group CEO of Ultainfinity Global Group.

